To Find A Stone...
follow me on Instagram
Where I will be making random stones like these.

They will then be available for purchase on my
for a limited time.
In the product description of each stone there will be a "sell by date".
If the stone doesn't sell by that date it essentially becomes a stone business card.
I will post it once more on Instagram tagging it in a location like this.

The location means I have hid it somewhere near there. The caption to the post will have details on where to find it exactly like this.

This allows people from the Internet as well as people that randomly stumbled upon them to play "Petrafind".
If you find the stone you can scan the QR Code on the back that looks like this.

It will bring you to a web page of the exact rock your holding, and it will look something like this.
Sound fun? Well...
Thanks for visiting,
John Motta